Schedule of Upper Division and Graduate Mathematics Classes 2016-2017 December, 2016 If time or instructor is not listed for a course, that course may not be offered during that semester. All information is tentative and is subject to change. Class Fall Semester Spring Semester 2310(H)(Integral Calculus Honors) Kazez(MWF 11:15 T 11:00) 3000 (Linear Algebra) Ryder (MWF 10:10) Rothstein (MWF 12:20) Coskun (MWF 10:10) 3100 (Sequences & Series) Boe (MWF 10:10) TBA (MWF 1:25) Lyall (TR 9:30) Zhang (TR 12:30) 3100H (Sequences & Series)Honors (MWF 1:25) 3200 (Intro to Higher Math) Royal (MWF 10:10) (MWF 11:15) (TR 11:00) Ma (MWF 9:05) Hendon(TR 11:00) Ma (TR 12:20) 3220 (Problem Solving) Pollack(T 2:00) Hendon (T 2:00) 3300(Applied Linear Algebra) Hendon(MWF 10:10) Sobaje (MWF 11:15) Azoff (MWF 11:15) Nakano (TR 11:00) Hunter(MWF 2:30) 3500(H) (Multivariable Math I) Usher (MWF 11:15, T 11:00) 3510(H) (Multivariable Math II) Usher (MWF 11:15, T 11:00) 4000 (Modern Alg & Geom I) TBA (MWF 10:10) Pollack(MWF 12:20) Bakker (MWF 9:05) 4010 (Modern Alg. & Geom. II) Gibney (MWF 9:05) 4100 (Real Analysis) Lyall(TR 9:30) 4150 (Complex Variables) Hendon (TR 9:30) 4200 (Point Set Topology) Pinzon-Caicedo(MWF 11:15) 4250 (Differential Geometry) Saltz (MWF 11:15) 4400 (Number Theory) Pollack (MWF 12:20) 4450 (Cryptography) Lorenzini (TR 11:00) 4500 (Numerical Analysis I) Lai (TR 12:20) Kazanci (TR 11:00) 4510 (Numerical Analysis II) 4600 (Probability) Azoff (TR 11:00) Ma (MWF 11:15) 4670(Combinatorics) Krashen (MWF 1:25) 4690 (Graph Theory) Hollingsworth (TR 12:30) 4700 (Qual. ODEs) Tie (TR 12:30) 4720 (Intro. to Partial Differential Equations) Tie (TR 12:30) 4730 (Mathematics and Climate) Adams (MWF 1:25P) 4750 (Matrix and Integral Transforms with Applications) Azoff (MWF 1:25) 4760 (Math and Music) Rothstein (MWF 10:10) 4780 (Mathematical Biology) Gutierrez (TR 2:00) 4790 (The Mathematics of Option Pricing) Zhang (TR 11:00) 4850 (History of Mathematics) 4900 (Mathematical explorations with computers) Hersonsky (MWF 11:15) 4900 (Introduction to Set Theory, Ordinals and Cardinals) Klipper (MWF 10:10) 4950 (Introduction to Research) Lorenzini (R 2:00) 5020 (Arithmetic for Middle School Teachers) Beckmann-Kazez (TR 9:30) 5035 (Algebra for Middle School Teachers) Beckmann (TR 11:00) 5200 (Found of Geom I) Gay (MWF 10:10) Rothstein (MWF 9:05) 5210 (Found of Geom II) Gay (MWF 8:00) Tentative Schedule of Graduate Mathematics Classes 2016-2017 (subject to sufficient enrollment and faculty. If time or instructor is not listed for a course, that course may not be offered during that semester.) --> Course Fall Semester Spring Semester GRSC 7770 (F 3:30–5) 8000 (Algebra I) Chastkofsky(MWF 9:05) 8020 (Commutative algebra) 8030 (Homological Algebra) Boe (MWF 9:05) 8030 (Quantum Groups) 8080 (Lie Algebras) 8100 (Real Analysis) Wang(TR 11:00) 8130 (Topics in Analysis) 8150 (Complex analysis) Hersonsky (MWF 10:10) 8170 (Functional analysis) 8220 (Homotopy Theory) Ching (?) 8190 (Algebraic Groups) Sobaje (MWF 9:05) 8200 (Algebraic topology) Gay(TR 9:30) 8210(Topology of Manifolds) Matic (TR 12:30) 8230(Symplectic and Contact Geometry) Usher (MWF 12:20) Gutt (TR 11:00) 8230 (Symplectic and Contact Geometry in Low Dimensional Topology) Pinzon (TR 9:30) 8250 (Differential Geometry I) Gutt(MWF 11:15) 8260(Differential Geometry II) Fu (MWF 11:15) 8300 (Introduction to Algebraic Geometry) Alexeev(TR 9:30) 8310 (Schemes) Clark (MWF 12:20) 8330 (Moduli of Curves) Gibney(TR 9:30) 8330 (Abelian Varieties) Bakker (MWF 10:10) 8400 (Algebraic number theory) 8430 (Elliptic Curves) Bourdon(TR 11:00) 8430 (Field Arithmetic) Krashen (MWF 1:25) 8410(Algebraic/Analytic Number Theory II) Rumely, R(1:25) 8440 (Topics in Combinatorial/Analytic Number Theory) 8450 (Field arithmetic) 8500 (Numerical Analysis) 8510 (Advanced Numerical Analysis II) Lai (MWF 10:10) 8550 (Compressive Sensing) Lai (MWF 9:05) 8600 (Advances in Probability) Zhang (TR 9:30) 8630 (Stochastic Analysis) Zhang(TR 12:30) 8740 (Ordinary Differential Equations) 8850 (VRG) (R 2:00) Zhang (R 2:00) 8850 (VRG) Nakano Nakano (R 2:00) 8850 (Harmonic Analysis VRG) 8850 (Computational VRG) Krashen (TBA) 9005 (Calculus Teaching Seminar) Black (TR 3:30)