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Tags: Conferences

University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA May 30-June 3, 2016 In view of the intense activity in integral geometry over the past few years, it seems an auspicious moment for the mathematical sciences community to collect our thoughts on the subject. Our hope is to air the major viewpoints that have been brought to bear on the subject, both in its internal development and in its applications, and in this way stimulate further progress. To…
Georgia Topology Conference The Georgia Topology Conference has been hosted by the University of Georgia since 1961. The 2016 Georgia Topology conference will focus on Parameterized Morse Theory in Low-Dimensional and Symplectic Topology. It will take place May 25-29, 2016.
AMS Sectional Meeting  Inquiries: Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting University of Georgia, Athens, GA March 5-6, 2016 (Saturday - Sunday) Associate secretaries: Brian D. Boe, AMS - See more at: - Map
2015 Georgia Topology Conference June 10-14, 2105 Room 328, Boyd Graduate Studies Building The focus of the conference will be on symplectic topology and dynamics. The list of speakers who have accepted our invitation includes: Erkao Bao (UCLA) Olguta Buse (IUPUI) Dan Cristofaro-Gardiner (Harvard) Jean Gutt (Berkeley) Kristen Hendricks (UCLA) Ailsa Keating (Columbia) Michael Khanevsky (Chicago) Tian-Jun Li (…
Elementary, analytic, and algorithmic number theory:  Research inspired by the mathematics of Carl Pomerance  In honor of Carl Pomerance’s 70th birthday June 9 - 11, 2015  

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