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Daniel K. Nakano

Blurred image of the arch used as background for stylistic purposes.
Distinguished Research Professor

I earned my bachelor’s degree in mathematics from the University of California, Berkeley in 1986 and my Ph.D. at Yale University in 1990.

I’m a Distinguished Research Professor (DRP) in the Mathematics Department. My primary departmental duties include conducting mathematical research, presenting my work outside of UGA, advising Ph.D. students, mentoring postdoctoral fellows and teaching graduate and undergraduate courses.  I’m also actively involved with serving on college and university committees.

Other Links [describing my professional activities]:


UGAToday Focus on the Faculty Feature

Mathematics Genealogy Project [lineage from Galileo]

American Mathematical Society Fellows

Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (Editor)

Southeastern Lie Theory Workshop Series (Organizer)

MathSciNet (Publications)

Zentralblatt MATH (Publications and Collaborators)

Google Scholar (Publications)

ResearchGate (Publications)

ArXiv (Publications and Preprints)

DKN60 Conference

VIGRE at UGA: 2001-2015 Archives

Rate My Professor (Teaching)

UGA Algebra Group Facebook Page, Est. 2013

UGA Algebra Seminar [Videos of Talks]

YouTube Channel [includes resources for Teaching, Research, and Travel]

Research Areas:
Research Interests:

Representation theory has emerged as a central area of modern mathematics with connections to combinatorics, algebraic geometry, topology, number theory, along with applications to chemistry and physics. Representations are mappings, regarded as snapshots, of complicated algebraic objects (such as groups and Lie algebras) to an array of numbers (matrices). These realizations by matrices encode local data that can yield deep insights into these complicated algebraic objects.

Recent developments have included using the representation theory of Lie groups to better understand signal processing and the translation of the P versus NP Problem in computer science via geometric complexity theory into questions about decomposing representations for the general linear group.

My research is at the interface between representation theory, geometry and homological algebra. Collecting all the representations for a certain algebraic object forms a tensor triangulated category. Methods from homological algebra can be used to build a bridge between tensor triangulated categories and geometric objects. Uncovering this “hidden geometry” often leads to new insights about the algebraic object and its representations.


1986 A.B. Mathematics University of California, Berkeley
1988 M.S. Mathematics Yale University
1989 M.Phil. Mathematics Yale University
1990 Ph.D. Mathematics Yale University
Of note:
  • 1992-95       National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship
  • 2007            Creative Research Medal, University of Georgia
  • 2007            American Mathematical Society One-Hour Invited Address
  • 2008            McCay Award, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Georgia
  • 2010            Distinguished Research Professorship, University of Georgia
  • 2013            Fellow of the American Mathematical Society (Class of 2013, Inaugural Class)
  • 2016            Lamar Dodd Creative Research Award, University of Georgia
  • 2024            Representation Theory and Related Geometry: Progress and Prospects (60th birthday conference)

Events featuring Daniel K. Nakano
Boyd Graduate Studies Research Center #304

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